
author(s) : Abdel-Fattah M. Rizk, H. A. Elgindi and Ibrahim A. El-Garf


family name


Species count in Egypt

represented in egypt with 1 Specie

  1. Proximate Composition and Proteins
  2. Carbohydrates
  3. Alkaloids
  4. Essential Oils
  5. Other Constituents

The bulbs and flowers of Narcissus species were reputed as antispasmodic and useful in the treatment of epilepsy, diarrhea, intermittent fevers, hooping cough, asthma etc., also in the treatment of ulcers.
The bulb of Narcissus was regarded as an emetic if taken in a boiled state, while the decoction was reported to exite vomiting and to be useful against cold.
The oil of Narcissus was used by the early Arab writers as a medicament to cure headache and as an emollient for reducing the pains of bladder, ear… etc. (Täckholm and Drar, 1954; Rizk, 1959)


egypt Placeholder
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