
author(s) : Faiza M. Hammouda, Husseiny A. H. Elgendy, Ibrahim A. El-Garf and Abdel-Fattah M. Rizk


family name


Species count in Egypt

represented in egypt with 1 Specie

Chernenko et al. (2005a) studied the lipids Eminium lehmanii leaves and tubercasings and cores and determined their class and fatty acid compositions.
The study of thequantitative composition of glycolipids from leaves of Eminium lehmanii (Helicophyllumlehmannii), showed that the predominant glycolipids were monogalactosyldiglycerides anddigalactosyldiglycerides.
The fatty-acid compositions of 6 glycolipids, of whichdigalactosyldiglycerides and sterylglycoside esters contained > 70% linoleic acid have beendetermined. The main carbohydrate component of the leaf glycolipids was galactose (Chernenko et al., 2005b).
Two alkaloids, strychnine (154) and vomicine (155, 4-hydroxy19-methyl-16,19-seco-strychnidin-10,16-dione) were isolated from Eminium lehmannii(Bunge) O. Kuntze tubers (Zharylgasina et al., 2010).
Luteolin and quercetin were detected inthe leaves and bulbs of Eminium regelii Vved (Silybayeva et al., 2014).

Nothing reported


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