author(s) : Ibrahim A. El Garf and Abdel-Fattah M. Rizk
The Marsileaceae family (order Salviniales) consists of three genera with 50 to 80 species, of which about 45 to 70 species belong to the genus Marsilea, about five species to the genus Pilularia, and the third genus Regnellidium is monotypic (Islam et al., 2017).
Genera Count
represented in egypt with 1 Genus
represented in egypt with Species
Species of the Marsileaceae represent a unique group of pteridophytes of uncertain origin. The polyphenolic profiles of representative species, which include flavonol 3-O-mono- and diglycosides, C-glycosylflavones, and C-glycosylxanthones, have chemical features in common with the primitive leptosporangiate ferns, especially the Hymenophyllaceae (Table 1) (Wallace et al., 1984).