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Species count in Egypt

represented in egypt with  Species

The studies of some Jasonia species e.g. Jasonia candicans, Jasonia glutinosa, Jasonia tuberosa, revealed the isolation of several sesquiterpenes and sesquiterpene lactone derivatives, including highly oxygenated eudesmane alcohols, eudesmanoic acids, eudesmanolides, guaianolides and pseudoguaianolides,
together with several polymethoxylated flavonoids and some coumarins (Ahmed and Mahmoud, 1998).
The constituents of essential oils some species have been reported e.g. Chiliadenus lopadusanus Brull (syns. Orsinia camphorata or Jasonia camphorata) (Sacco and Maffei, 1987), Jasonia glutinosa D. C. [Chiliadenus saxatilis Cass., Chiliadenus glutinosus (L.) Fourr.] (Romeroa et al., 2003), and others as mentioned below.

Some species of this genus showed antibacterial activity and some medicinal uses as an antispasmodic drug (Ahmed and Mahmoud, 1998).

  1. Chiliadenus candicans
  2. Chiliadenus iphionoides
  3. Chiliadenus montanus


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