
author(s) : Fahem A. Ahmed, Husseiny A. H. Elgendy, Ibrahim A. El Garf and Abdel-Fattah M. Rizk


Poaceae (grass family) is the fourth largest family in the world, approximately represented by 670 genera and 10,000 species (Boulos 2005).
The Poaceae is a large family of monocotyledonous plants, commonly recognized as grasses, representing the most important group of crops.
This family encompasses several noteworthy cultivated species such as Triticum aestivum L., Oryza sativa L., Zea mays L. and Hordeum vulgare L.
It comprises 7500 species distributed worldwide and with a wide spectrum of climatic adaptations. Remarkably, grasses also show extreme ranges in salinity tolerance, from salt sensitive (glycophytic) to extremely tolerant (halophytic) (Faustino et al., 2019).
Some members of this family are weeds which continue to infest agricultural lands and influence the yield of food and fibre crops, despite improvements in chemicals, biological and mechanical procedures for their control. Primary reasons for the persistence of weeds include their production of large numbers of seeds per plant and the ability of the seeds to survive in various soils (Harrold and Nalewaja, 1977).
Since many plants in this family are utilised for food and forage, their chemistry has been extensively studied.
Terpenes, phenylethylamine, indole and pyrrolizidine alkaloids, flavonoids, other polyphenols and some glycosides were reported in this family (Hegnauer, 1963; Rizk, 1986). The occurrence of β-carbolines in monocotyledonous plants has been restricted to the Gramineae, e.g. those isolated from Phalaris spp. and Arundo donax (Rizk, 1986).
The phytochemical investigations performed in halophytes from the Poaceae family as well as their biological properties were recently reviewed.
Among the 65 genera and 148 species of known halophytic grasses, only 14% of the taxa were studied phytochemically and 10% were subjected to biological evaluation. Notably, in the studied species, a variety of compound families, as well as bioactivities, were demonstrated, highlighting the potential of halophytic grasses (Faustino et al., 2019)

Genera Count

represented in egypt with  110 Genera


represented in egypt with  Species

  1. Nutritive constituents
  2. Triterpenoids, steroids and related substances
  3. Flavonoids and Other Phenolics
  4. Alkaloids
  5. Cyanogenic glucosides

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  1. Acrachne
  2. Aegilops
  3. Aeluropus
  4. Agropyron
  5. Agrostis
  6. Alopecurus
  7. Ammochloa
  8. Ammophila
  9. Andropogon
  10. Aristida
  11. Arundo
  12. Avena
  13. Boissiera
  14. Brachiaria
  15. Brachypodium
  16. Briza
  17. Bromus
  18. Catapodium
  19. Cenchrus
  20. Centropodia
  21. Chloris
  22. Chrysopogon
  23. Coelachyrum
  24. Coix
  25. Cortaderia
  26. Corynephorus
  27. Crithopsis
  28. Crypsis
  29. Cutandia
  30. Cymbopogon
  31. Cynodon
  32. Cynosurus
  33. Dactylis
  34. Dactyloctenium
  35. Danthoniopsis
  36. Desmazeria
  37. Desmostachya
  38. Dichanthium
  39. Digitaria
  40. Dinebra
  41. Echinochloa
  42. Ehrharta
  43. Eleusine
  44. Elionurus
  45. Elymus
  46. Enneapogon
  47. Enteropogon
  48. Eragrostis
  49. Eremopoa
  50. Eremopyrum
  51. Festuca
  52. Gastridium
  53. Halopyrum
  54. Hemarthria
  55. Holcus
  56. Hordeum
  57. Hyparrhenia
  58. Imperata
  59. Lagurus
  60. Lamarckia
  • 61-Lasiurus
  • 62-Leersia
  • 63-Leptochloa
  • 64-Leptothrium
  • 65-Lolium
  • 66-Lygeum
  • 67-Melanocenchris
  • 68-Melica
  • 69-Melinis
  • 70-Miscanthus
  • 71-Ochthochloa
  • 72-Oryza
  • 73-Oryzopsis
  • 74-Panicum
  • 75-Parapholis
  • 76-Paspalidium
  • 77-Paspalum
  • 78-Pennisetum
  • 79-Phalaris
  • 80-Phleum
  • 81-Phragmites
  • 82-Poa
  • 83-Pogonatherum
  • 84-Polypogon
  • 85-Rostraria
  • 86-Saccharum
  • 87-Schismus
  • 88-Schmidtia
  • 89-Schoenefeldia
  • 90-Setaria
  • 91-Sorghum
  • 92-Sphenopus
  • 93-Sporobolus
  • 94-Stenotaphrum
  • 95-Stipa
  • 96-Stipagrostis
  • 97-Taeniatherum
  • 98-Tetrapogon
  • 99-Themeda
  • 100-Tragus
  • 101-Tricholaena
  • 102-Trichoneura
  • 103-Triplachne
  • 104-Triraphis
  • 105-Trisetaria
  • 106-Triticum
  • 107-Urochloa
  • 108-Vossia
  • 109-Vulpia
  • 110-Zea


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