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The family of succulents, Crassulaceae, is considered as medium-sized family (1300- 1500 species), widely distributed, with tendency to inhabit subtropical and temperate regions, mountainous–arid and rocky habitats (Jovanović et al., 2016).
Triterpenoid distribution in epicuticular waxes of 20 central Balkan Sedum L. species and four out-groups of genera: Hylotelephium H. Ohba, Crassula L., Echeveria DC., and Kalanchoe Adans. were investigated for chemotaxonomic purposes. Distribution of identified triterpenoids (oleanane, lupane, and taraxerane series), indicated very good agreement with phylogeny and systematics, except members of series Rupestria Berger, in which case the distribution of triterpenoids did not support known classification in a satisfactory manner.
According to the obtained clustering, Kalanchoe is shown as similar to Sedum samples, while the other out-groups were clearly separated (Jovanović et al., 2016).
There are several reviews on the constituents and pharmacological activities of Bryophyllum pinnatum related species (Kamboj and Saluja, 2009; Fürer et al., 2016). Analysis of the published chemical compositions of 92 Sedum species indicates that flavonoids and their 3-O-glycosides (more rarely their methyl esters), phenolic acids (mainly gallic), coumarins and their 6,7-substituted derivatives, alkaloids, and carbohydrates dominate in all species (Korul’kin, 2001). A chemotaxonomical study of flavonoids from vegetative parts of 29 species of Eurasian Sedum, Sedum meyeri-johannis from central East Africa, 34 species of Sempervivum, and Jovibarba heuffelii, was reported (Stevens et al., 1996).

Genera Count

represented in egypt with   Genera


represented in egypt with  Species

  1. Bufadienolides
  2. Other Constituents
  3. Essential Oils
  4. Phenolic Compounds
  5. Triterpenes and Phytosterols
  6. Cardenolides

Aeonium lindleyi is used as anti-inflammatory and antipyretic (Kennedy, 2012). Echeveria species are traditionally used to treat a number of diseases/symptoms such as diarrhea, oral herpes, inflammation, pain, stomach aches and fever (López-Angulo et al., 2014).

  1. Crassula
  2. Rosularia
  3. Umbilicus


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