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The genus Anacyclus is represented in Egypt by one species (Boulos, 2002).

family name

Species count in Egypt

represented in egypt with  Species

Leaf flavonoids of 13 Anacyclus taxa have been identified and compared. The most common compounds are 3-, 7- or 5-glycosylated flavonols which, together with the accumulation of 2 diosmetin 7-glycosides, help to delimitate species groups according to recent morphological and cytological findings. In addition to quercetagetin, quercetagetin 3′-methyl ether, patuletin and spinacetin have been isolated as 7-glucosides from the yellow disc and ray flowers of Anacyclus radiatus.
The distribution patterns of polyacetylenes and particularly related amides, characterize different Anacyclus species and apparently contribute to a more natural interpretation of relationships with other genera, which may also be underlined by the distribution of cyanogenic glycosides (Greger, 1978).

Nothing reported

  1. Anacyclus monanthos


egypt Placeholder
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