
author(s) : Abdel-Fattah M. Rizk, Nahla S. Abdel-Azim, Husseiny A. H. Elgendy,
and Ibrahim A. El-Garf


No thing reported in Description

family name


Species count in Egypt

represented in egypt with 4 Species

  • Steroids
  • Other Constituents

Caralluma attenuata is eaten raw as a cure of diabetes and the juice of the plant alongwith black pepper is recommended in the treatment of migraine (Venkatesh et al., 2003).
Caralluma paniculata (Defl.) M. E. Br. has been used in Saudi folk medicine for thetreatment of snake and scorpion bites and as a blood purifier (Al-Yahya and Tariq, 1983).
Caralluma tuberculata N. E. Brown is also used by the local folk medicine practionersin Pakistan in the treatment of leprosy, blood disorders and as anthelmintic (Ahmed et al.,1993).
Caralluma tuberculata, growing both wild and cultivated in Pakistan is either eatenraw or cooked as a vegetable and is also reported to be cure of diabetes and rheumatism(Chopra et al., 1956; Venkatesh et al., 2003).


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