Barleria L.

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Species count in Egypt

represented in egypt with  Species

  • Iridoids
  • Anthraquinones, Flavonoids and Other Phenolics
  • Triterpenes and Other Constituents

Barleria cristata Linn. is useful in inflammations, fevers, bronchitis, blood diseases, biliousness, tympanitis, pains, and asthma.
The roots and leaves are used to reduce swelling, and an infusion is given in cough. Barleria cristata var. dichotoma is used as a stimulant and demulcent. The methanol extract of Barleria cristata leaves exhibits significant anti-inflammatory activity (Manoj et al., 2009).
A decoction of the root of Barleria courtallica Nees is given in rheumatism and pneumonia.
A decoction of the root of Barleria longiflora L. is given in stricture, dropsy and gravel.
A decoction of Barleria noctiflora is used as an adjunct to, and substitute for human milk.
Barleria prionitis L. (whole plant and especially the root) is used as a diuretic and tonic medicine in Ceylon, and is also credited with diuretic, febrifugal and anticatarrhal properties.
Barleria strigosa Willd. is useful in ulcers, skin diseases, leucoderma, pains, itching, inflammations, bronchitis and diseases of the teeth. It is also used by the Santals as a remedy of cough (Kirtikar and Basu, 1984).


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