author(s) : Husseiny A. H. Elgendy and Abdel-Fattah M. Rizk


The Moraceae family has 6 tribes, 63 genera and about 1500 species found in the tropics, subtropics and, in a smaller proportion, in temperate regions. Among the main genera are the Ficus, with about 600 species and Dorstenia, with about 125 species. Moraceae representatives can be found as shrub, tree, herb or subshrub. Some of its species have great importance in fruit growing, in the production of heavy wood, in the textile industry, in the production of latex and also for ornamental purposes.

Genera Count

represented in egypt with 1  Genus


represented in egypt with 4 Species

The chemical and nutritional properties of some Egyptian mulberry species (white, black mulberry, goldenberry and strawberry fruits) were analyzed for their proximate chemical composition, phenolic compounds, flavonoids contents, vitamins, some reducing and non reducing sugars, β-carotenoids and anthocyanin to evaluate their importance in human nutrition. The results showed that white mulberry contained 79.34% moisture, 12.98% protein, 9.03% ether extract, 6.36% ash, 8.32% crude fiber and 63.31% carbohydrates, while, the black mulberry contained 76.45% moisture, 10.85% protein, 7.21% ether extract, 4.79% ash, 5.45% crude fiber and 71.7% carbohydrates. On the other hand, goldenberry contained 77.78% moisture, 9.16% protein, 9.95% ether extract, 5.44% ash, 16.32% crude fiber and 59.13% carbohydrates. The strawberry contained 90.87% moisture, 7.65% protein, 3.74% ether extract, 3.48% ash, 10.32% crude fiber and 74.81% carbohydrates. High concentrations of phenolic compounds and flavonoids from this Egyptian mulberry species were found (Owon et al., 2016). Several triterpenes, phenolic compounds and others were …

Numbers of medicinal uses are assigned to plants of the genus Artocarpus worldwide. This includes treatment of cardiovascular diseases, chest pain, vomiting from heart problems, boils, abscess, skin infections, burns, rashes, stomach pain, diabetes and others (Kuete et al., 2011). Dorstenia species are used for cough, headache, stomach, gout and various skin diseases (Omisore et al.; 2005). Morus nigra L. is popularly used for the treatment of diabetes, dyslipidemias, cardiovascular diseases and gout (Moura et al., 2019). The leaves of Morus plants can also be used as hypoglycemic, hypotensive, diuretic, and antimutagenic tonics. As a traditional Chinese medicine, mulberry leaves have been used to treat fever, protect the liver, and lower blood pressure for a long time (Chen et al., 2020).


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