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Species count in Egypt

represented in egypt with  Species

The characteristic constituents of the genus Inula are sesquiterpene lactones and essential oil. Some phenolic acids and flavonoids were detected as additional constituents of this genus (Abou-Douh, 2008).
It has been reported that the chemistry of Dittrichia shows some differences to that of Inula which may support its separation from this genus.
The constituents from the two species are similar but not identical (Rustaiyan et al., 1987).
There are significant chemical differences between the Turkish collection of Inula graveolens and the Iranian collection of Dittrichia graveolens (Öksüz and Topçu, 1992).

Many species of Inula are traditionally used as folk medicine in the treatment of ischemic heart disease, angina pectoris, hypoglycemia, liver disorders, gastroduodenal diseases and ulcers, bronchia, rheumatic complaints, migraine and skin infection, as a lung tonic and analgesic, and as an antiproliferative

  1. Dittrichia graveolens
  2. Dittrichia viscosa


egypt Placeholder
  1. Example footnote.
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