
author(s) :


Syns. Melanoloma Cass., Aegialophila Boiss. & Hrldr., Tomanthea DC., Phaeopappus Boiss., Cheirolepis Boiss., Plectocephalus D. Don, Hyalea (DC.) Jaub. & Spach., Grossheimia Sosn. & Takht., Aethlopappus Cass., Chartolepis Cass., Palaeocyanus Dostal. Wagenitzia Dostal

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Species count in Egypt

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Centaurea species are considered rich sources of chlorine containing compounds. They are characterized by the presence of sesquiterpene lactones as secondary metabolites that have provided several biological activities including antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and cytotoxic effects (Sary et al., 2018).
About 80 Centaurea species have been shown the presence of flavonoids as a major constituent in leaves, aerial parts, and sometimes in roots.
These flavonoids were identified as 6-substituted flavones and flavonols, together with 6-deoxyflavones and flavonols, and their O- and C-glycosides (Abdallah et al., 2013).

Centaurea is the largest genus within the Asteraceae family.
Many members of this genus are used in traditional folk medicine, such as Centaurea pulchella used to treat skin problems such as to resolve the abscess (Russo et al., 2016).
Centaurea species are famous in folk medicine to have anti-diarrheic, anti-dandruff, antirheumatic, anti-inflammatory, cholagogue, choleretic, digestive, stomachic, menstrual, astringent, hypotensive, anti-pyretic, cytotoxic as well as anti-bacterial effects and are used alone or mixed with other plants (Khammar and Djeddi, 2012; Bakr et al., 2016).

  1. Centaurea aegialophila
  2. Centaurea aegyptiaca
  3. Centaurea alexandrina
  4. Centaurea ammocyanus
  5. Centaurea calcitrapa
  6. Centaurea dimorpha
  7. Centaurea eryngioides
  8. Centaurea furfuracea
  9. Centaurea glomerata
  10. Centaurea melitensis
  11. Centaurea pallescens
  12. Centaurea postii
  13. Centaurea procurrens
  14. Centaurea pullata
  15. Centaurea pumilio
  16. Centaurea scoparia
  17. Centaurea sinaica
  18. Centaurea solstitialis


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