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Species count in Egypt

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Triterpenoid esters, triterpene saponins, flavonol glycosides, ionone and sesquiterpene glycosides have been isolated from the genus Calendula as principle secondary metabolites (Kirmizibekmeza et al., 2006; Arora et al., 2013).
The triterpenoids isolated from Calendula species have been found to have some pharmacological activities such as hypoglycemic, gastroprotective, antiviral, antimutagenic and anti-inflammatory (Kirmizibekmeza et al., 2006).

A few species of this genus have medicinal value, among these Calendula officinalis Linn., has been traditionally used in the treatment of various skin tumors, dermatological lesions, ulcers, swellings and nervous disorders as well as almost 200 cosmetic formulations, i.e., creams, lotions, shampoos (Arora et al., 2013).

  1. Calendula arvensis
  2. Calendula tripterocarpa


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  1. Example footnote.
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