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Sesquiterpene lactones isolated from the genus Anthemis are used as chemotaxonomic markers.
The obtained results, obtained by Staneva et al. (2008), supported with some exceptions the botanical classification in Flora Europaea.
The genus Anthemis is represented in Egypt by 12 species (Boulos, 2002).

family name

Species count in Egypt

represented in egypt with  Species

Nothing reported

Nothing reported

  1. Anthemis arvensis
  2. Anthemis bornmuelleri
  3. Anthemis chi
  4. Anthemis cotula
  5. Anthemis hebronica
  6. Anthemis indurata
  7. Anthemis melanopodia
  8. Anthemis microsperma
  9. Anthemis pseudocotula
  10. Anthemis retusa
  11. Anthemis scrobicularis
  12. Anthemis zohariana


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