Aegilops l.

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Syn. Amblyopyrum (Jaub. & Spach) Eig
Thin-layer chromatographic study of the phenolics of young leaves provided the means for a numerical chemotaxonomic study of the diploid species of the genus Aegilops L. A great amount of variation in types and concentration of these compounds was found within A. squarrosa. var. anathera, typica, and meyeri, of the ssp. eusquarrosa, were more related to ssp. strangulata than to each other.
The phenolics of young leaves of the species of the genus Aegilops, in which affinities both within and among diploid and polyploid groups were compared (Kaltsikes and Dedio, 1970a,b). Aegilops speltoides showed antioxidant activity (Sağır et al., 2018).

family name


Species count in Egypt

represented in egypt with 1  Species

Nothing reported

Nothing reported

  1. Aegilops bicornis


egypt Placeholder
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