
author(s) : Fahem A. Ahmed, Nahed M. Hassan and Abdel-Fattah M. Rizk


The family Campanulaceae includes 87 genera and about 1950 speceis, mainly cosmopolitan (Boulos, 2002).

Genera Count

represented in egypt with   Genera


represented in egypt with  Species

  1. Proximate Composition and Nutritient Constituents
  2. Carbohydrates
  3. Essential Oils
  4. Steroids and Triterpenoids
  5. Saponins
  6. Acetylenes
  7. Alkaloids and Other Nitrogenous Compounds
  8. Phenylpropanoids
  9. Flavonoids
  10. Other Phenolic Compounds
  11. Other Constituents

1. Adenophora pereskiifolia (Fisch. ex Scult.) G. Don is a popular plant of folk medicine in East Siberia, Far East, China, Mongolia as laxative, anticramp, tonic, mucolitic, hemostastic remedy. Pharmaceutical experiments have revealed antiulcerous and anti-convulsive effect of the roots.
Polysaccharides presence in the plant certainly can stipulate its pharmaceutical activity, for example anti-ulcerous one (Blinova et al., 2007)…

  1. Asyneuma
  2. Campanula
  3. Legousia
  4. Wahlenbergia


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