
author(s) : Abdel-Fattah M. Rizk, Fahem A. Ahmed, Husseiny A. H. Elgendy, Ibrahim A. El-Garf and Sayed H. Farag


The Compositae (Asteraceae) family is nested high in the Angiosperm phylogeny in Asterideae/Asterales.
The family contains the largest number of described, accepted, species of any plant family, ca. 24,000, with estimates of the total number reaching 30,000.
There are 1600-1700 genera distributed around the globe except for Antarctica (Funk et al., 2009).
Economically, plants of the family Compositae are of considerable importance. Some are food plants (e.g. Helianthus annuus, Lactuca sativa, Cichorium spp., Cynara scolymus) and others are drug plants (e.g. Artemisia spp., Matricaria chamomilla, Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium).
On the other hand, many are ornamentals (e.g. Aster spp., Helianthus spp.) and several are noxious weeds (e.g. Senecio spp.).
From the medical point of view, many of the plants are used in medicine and some are pharmacopoeial drugs, e.g. Artemisia cina, Calendula officinalis and Matricaria chamomilla, etc. (Trease, 1966).
Moreover, many of the plants are used in folk medicine as herbal remedies, e.g. Artemisia spp. and Achillea millefolium.

Genera Count

represented in Egypt with  85 Genera


represented in egypt with 214  Species

Plants of the Compositae store mainly proteins and oils in their seeds. As a rule, the seed oils are rich in linoleic acid and contain lesser amounts of oleic and palmitic acid; linolenic and stearic acid are minor fatty acids.
The family may be designated as a group with the linoleic-rich variant of seed oils of the usual type.
It has been reported that seeds of many Compositae contain unusual fatty acids besides or replacing linoleic acid and that the chemistry of seed oils is often characteristic of taxa (Hegnauer, 1977)…

No thing reported

  1. Achillea
  2. Ageratum
  3. Ambrosia
  4. Anacyclus
  5. Anthemis
  6. Anvillea
  7. Artemisia
  8. Asteriscus
  9. Atractylis
  10. Bidens
  11. Blainvillea
  12. Calendula
  13. Carduncellus
  14. Carduus
  15. Carlina
  16. Carthamus
  17. Centaurea
  18. Ceruana
  19. Chamaemelum
  20. Chiliadenus
  21. Chlamydophora
  22. Cichorium
  23. Cnicus
  24. Conyza
  25. Cotula
  26. Crepis
  27. Crupina
  28. Cynara
  29. Dicoma
  30. Dittrichia
  31. Doellia
  32. Echinops
  33. Eclipta
  34. Ethulia
  35. Felicia
  36. Filago
  37. Flaveria
  38. Galinsoga
  39. Garhadiolus
  40. Geigeria
  41. Geropogon
  42. Glebionis
  43. Gnaphalium
  44. Grangea
  45. Gundelia
  46. Gymnarrhena
  47. Hedypnois
  48. Helichrysum
  49. Helminthotheca
  50. Heteroderis
  51. Homognaphalium
  52. Hyoseris
  53. Ifloga
  54. Iphiona
  55. Koelpinia
  56. Lactuca
  57. Lasiopogon
  58. Lasiospermum
  59. Launaea
  60. Leontodon
  61. Leysera
  62. Limbarda
  63. Mantisalca
  64. Matricaria
  65. Nauplius
  66. Notobasis
  67. Onopordum
  68. Osteospermum
  69. Otanthus
  70. Pegolettia
  71. Phagnalon
  72. Picris
  73. Pluchea
  74. Pseudoconyza
  75. Pseudognaphalium
  76. pulicaria
  77. Reichardia
  78. Rhagadiolus
  79. Scariola
  80. Scolymus


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