Capparaceae (Capparidaceae)

author(s) : Mostafa M. El-Missiry, Heba M. Hassanein
and Abdel-Fattah M. Rizk


The family Capparaceae (incl. Cleomaceae) comprises about 39 genera and 650 species, distributed mainly in warm arid regions (Boulos, 1999).

Genera Count

represented in egypt with 7  Genera


represented in egypt with  Species

  • Lipids and Related Compounds
  • Glucosinolates and Isothiocy
  • Triterpenes and Sterols
  • Phenolic Compounds
  • Alkaloids

Bucchholzia coriacea Engler (musk tree, wonderful cola, kola nut): The plant has been reported as a valuable alternative therapy in diarrhoea, malaria, rheumatism, ulcers, worm infection, asthma and cough, diabetes, hypertension, psychiatric disorders and impotence (Oghenesuvwe et al., 2015)….

  1. Boscia
  2. Cadaba
  3. Capparis
  4. Cleome
  5. Dipterygium
  6. Gynandropsis
  7. Maerua


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