Asphodelus tenuifolius

author(s) : Abdel-Fattah M. Rizk, Mostafa M. El-Missiry and
Husseiny A. H. Elgendy


Asphodelus tenuifolius Cav., Anal. Ciencc. Nat. 3: 46, t. 27, f. 2 (1801); Boulos, Fl. Egypt 4: 36 (2005).
Syn. Asphodelus fistulosus L. var. tenuifolius (Cav.) Baker, J. Linn. Soc. London(Bot.) 15: 276 (1876).
Cmmon Names: Narrow-leaved asphodel, Onion weed.

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Glycine, serine, alanine, and valine were the principal protein amino acids of A. tenuifolius.
These amino acids plus cystine and proline in place of valine made up the free amino acid fraction.
The sugars consisted mainly of D-glucose, lactose, D-glucuronic acid, D-arabinose, D-fructose, and D-ribose (Saxena and Singh, 1976).

In Morocco, a decoction of the root and fruit of A. tenuifolius is used as digestive
(Ouhaddou et al., 2014). In Pakistan, the paste of A. tenuifolius leaves is used in…

A. tenuifolius extracts exhibited antioxidant (Munir et al., 2014; Al-Laith et al., 2015) and antimicrobial (Faidi et al., 2014; Munir et al., 2014) activities.


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