author(s) : Abdel-Fattah M. Rizk, Fahem A. Ahmed and Husseiny A. H. Elgendy
Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) is one of the important cultivated vegetables. In addition to the primary metabolites proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids, asparagus contains a large number of chemical constituents including saponins, flavonoids, amino acid derivatives, sulphur containing acids and vitamins
family name
Species count in Egypt
represented in egypt with 3 Species
- Proximate Analysis and Carbohydrates
- Lipids and Volatile Components
- Peptides and Amino Acids
- Steroidal Constituents
- Carotenoids
- Flavonoids
- Carboxylic Acids
- Other Constituents
Bedouins in the Mediterranean region (Egypt) use the infusion of the tuberous roots of the plant to remove renal stones, cure syphilis and against headache. Decoction of whole plant is diaphoretic and young tender shoots are used as appetizer, stomachic, diuretic, for jaundice, liver ailments, rheumatism and to treat syphilis.
The plant fried with eggs and camel’s fat to work as spermatogenesis, aphrodisiac, facilitates secretions and releases obstructions.
Decoction of the seeds is used for haemorrhoids (Boulos, 1983). A. stipularis is a wild edible plant (Della et al 2006).