Leptadenia arborea

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Syns. Cynanchum arboretum Forssk., Fl. Aegypt. 167 (1912); Cynanchum hetrophyllum Delile, Cent. Pl. Afr. 47 (1826); Leptadenia heterophylla (Delile) Decne., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., ser. 2, 9: 270 (1838), Täckh. Stud. Fl. Egypt, ed. 2: 416 (1974).

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represented in egypt with  Species

Pinoresinol (291), syringaresinol (292), leucanthemitol (293) and E-ferulaldehyde (294) were isolated from the aerial parts of Leptadenia arborea, growing in Egypt (El-Hassan et al., 2003).
The percentage of both saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in the lipids of Leptadenia heterophylla Decne. fruits, growing in Egypt was found to be 56.2% and 36.7%, respectively (Shabana et al., 2006c).
From the leaves, stems and fruits of Leptadenia heterophylla, the following compounds were isolated: a hydrocarbon C17H36, α-amyrin, a mixture of campesterol and stigmasterol and a triterpene alcohol (El-Moghazy et al., 1980). The fruit and its latex, of Leptadenia heterophylla contain α-amyrin, β-amyrin and lupeol acetate (Shabana et al., 2006c)…

Pharmacological screening of the different extracts of the fruits as well as the collected latex of Leptadenia heterophylla Decn., growing in Egypt viz. LD50, analgesic, antiinflammatory, antipyretic, anticonvulsant and anti-ulcerogenic activities were studied. Moreover, antimicrobial, antifungal and cytotoxic activities were investigated and significant results were obtained (Shabana et al., 2006c).
Syringaresinol, isolated from Leptadenia arborea exhibited an inhibitory effect against acetylcholine esterase.
The IC50 (the concentration of 50% enzyme inhibition) value of this compounds was 200 μg/ml. The other three compounds inhibited the enzyme with a range of 20–35% but at higher concentrations (El-Hassan et al., 2003).


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