author(s) :  Abdel-Fattah M. Rizk, Husseiny A. H. Elgendy, Ibrahim A. El-Garf
and Sayed H. Farag


Apocynaceae is a dicotyledon family comprising 215 genera and 1900 species, mostlytropical (Boulos, 2000).
Many of the species are used in the traditional medicine for treatment of several diseases and have been reported to possess cytotoxic, hypotensive and antiplasmodial activities.
Some are important timber species while many are planted as ornamentals. Non-medicinal purposes include food, poisons, fodder, wood, ornamentals, dye and perfume (Wong et al., 2013).
Compounds commonly found in the family are alkaloids (mainly indole alkaloids), cardenolides, pregnanes, triterpenoids, flavonoids and lignans. Other compounds included iridoids, coumarins and phenolic acids. Coumestans, quinones, cyclitols, sesquiterpenes and diterpenes have been also identified from some species.

Genera Count

represented in egypt with  2 Genera


represented in egypt with 2 Species

  1. Carbohydrates
  2. Proteins and Amino Acids
  3. Fatty Acids and Related Compounds
  4. Hydrocarbons and Other Related Substances
  5. Essential Oils
  6. Iridoids, Other Monoterpenes and Related Compounds
  7. Sesquiterpenes
  8. Diterpenoids
  9. Triterpenoids and Related Compounds
  10. Saponins
  11. Steroids
  12. Pregnanes
  13. Cardenolides
  14. Flavonoids
  15. Lignans
  16. Coumarins
  17. Quinones
  18. Coumestans
  19. Organic Acids & Phenolic Compounds
  20. Alkaloids
  21. Other Nitrogenous Compounds
  22. Cyclitols
  23. Other Constituents

Apocynaceae species have been reported to possess several activities mainly antimalarial and anticancer properties.
Species with cytotoxic activity include those of Allamanda, Alstonia, Catharanthus, Cerbera, Nerium, Plumeria, Tabernaemontana and Vallaris. Species of Alstonia, Calotropis, Dyera, Kopsia and Vallaris are also known to have antimalarial properties (Wong et al., 2013)


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