Allium trifoliatum

author(s) :  Abdel-Fattah M. Rizk, Husseiny A. H. Elgindi and Ibrahim A. El-Garf


  • Allium trifoliatum Cyr., Pl. Rar. Neap. 2: 11, t. 3 (1792)
  • subsp. hirsutum (Regel) Kollmann, Israel J. Bot. 24: 204, f. 1 (1975); Boulos, Fl. Egypt 4: 67 (2005).
  • Syns. Allium hirsutum Zucc., Abh. Akad. Wiss. (Muenchen) 3: 232, t. 2, f. 2 (1843), non Lam.; Täckh. Stud. Fl. Egypt, ed. 2, 652 (1974).
  • Allium subhirsutum L. var. hirsutum Regel, Acta Horti Petrop. 11: 301 (1890).

family name


genus name


Nothing reported

TLC analysis showed that Allium subhirsutum contains alliicin (Muoio et al., 2004).
The flowers of Allium subhirsutum showed higher antioxidant power compared to bulbs and leaves (Tables 7-9).
The total antioxidant enzymes activity of the leaves was found high (Štajner et al., 2008c).


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