Allium kurrat

author(s) :  Abdel-Fattah M. Rizk, Husseiny A. H. Elgindi and Ibrahim A. El-Garf


  • Allium kurrat Schweinf. ex Krause, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 9: 524 (1926); Boulos, Fl. Egypt 4: 79 (2005).
  • Kurrat (Ar) كراتA cultivated culinery species

family name


genus name


Allium kurrat contains 92.3 water, 1.62 protein, 0.44 fat, 1.87 ash, 1.05 fiber, 2.72% carbohydrates.
Minerals include: 0.559 g % Cl, 117.50 mg % Ca, 24.5 mg % P, 2.0 mg % Fe. Vitamins are: A, 5763 IU, B1, 0.131 mg %, B2, 0.210 mg %, C 17.680 mg % (Sharaf et al., 1969).
Oxalic acid amounts to 0.552% (on a dry weight basis in Egyptian leek (Allium kurrat) (representing 90.5% of the total oxalates (0.613%)) (Gad et al., 1982).

The crude juice of Allium kurrat inhibits Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis (Abdou et al., 1972).
Also, the pharmacological studies indicate that the plant has potential therapeutic value as a bactericidal agent, as well as possessing cardiotonic and laxative properties (Sharaf et al., 1969).


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