
author(s) : Abdel-Fattah M. Rizk, Ibrahim A. El-Garf and Husseiny A. H. Elgendy


The Aizoaceae is a large dicotyledon family with 114 genera and 2400 species (Boulos, 1999).
The family Aizoaceae is inseparable in the mind from the names of Mesembryanthemum.
According to Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962), many of the familiar species of Mesembryanthemum have disappeared into other generic names, of which too many are unfamiliar.

Genera Count

represented in egypt with  6 Genera


represented in egypt with 9 Species

  1. Sterols and Terpenes
  2. Flavonoids and Other Phenolics
  3. Alkaloids
  4. Other Constituents

Although several members of the family are reported to be toxic, there are others which are known to be edible by human beings as well as animals.
A list of the edible Aizoaceous plants has been reported (e.g. Carpobrotus acinaciforme (L.) Bol., Carpobrotus deliciosus (L.) Bol., Carpobrotus edulis (L.) Bol., Caryophyllum crystallinum N. E. Br., Dactylopis digitata N. E. Br., Drosanthemum floribundum Schw., Eberlandzia spinosa Schw., Galenia africana L., Lithops hokeri Schw., Mesembryanthemum aloides Haw., Mestoklema tuberosum N. E. Br., Nanthus aloides Schw., Pleiospilos bolusii N. E. Br., and Tetragonia decumbens Mill.) (Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk, 1962).
The boiled fruit of Carpobrotus acinaciforme (L.) Bol. is used in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis and other internal chest conditions, sore throats and sore mouths.
The leaf juice has been used in dysenteries, as a diuretic, styptic and astringent.
The fruit and leaf of Carpobrotus edulis (L.) Bol. have been widely used for various disease conditions.
It is used as a gargle for all kinds of sore throat and for thrush, for digestive troubles and as a treatment for diarrhea and dysenteries.
The juice of the plant diluted with water is used for catarrh of the bladder, gravel and other bladder ailments as well as for glandular swellings.
In Europe both herb and seeds are said to be edible and the fresh herb is taken as a remedy for dropsy and dysentery, for affections of the liver and kidney and as a gargle.
The plant is considered to be demulcent and diuretic and has been used in the treatment of inflammations of the pulmonary and genito-urinary mucosae (Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk, 1962).
A decoction of Galenia africana L. is used as a lotion for wounds in man and animal. The plant is also used in the treatment of veneral diseases. Hymenocylus smithii (L.) Bol. is toxic to the sheep.
The root of Khadia acutipetala is used as a local application of sore eyes. An infusuin of Pharnaceum lineare L. f. is used in pulmonary conditions, for gout, rheumatism, sciatica and lumbago. Psilocaulon absimile N. E. Br. and Tetragonia schenkii Engl. are reported as poisonous plants. A decoction or a tincture of Sceletium tortuosum (L.) Bol. is used as a sedative.
In Brazil, Tetragonia expansa Murr. is used as an antiscorbtic and as a remedy for pulmonary and intestinal affections (Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk, 1962).
The extract of Carpobrotus edulis showed antibactertial activity against Enterococcus faecalis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus (Chokoe et al., 2008).
The family Aizoaceae is represented in Egypt by six genera and ten species (Boulos, 2009).


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